Messaging Service

MessagingService helps you send and manage messages.

To create MessagingService, simply do:

from import MessagingService
service = MessagingService(session)

Fetching Latest Messages

fetch_message_history method will return a list of Message objects. To fetch latest messages, see below:

messages = service.fetch_message_history()
messages  # a list of Message objects
messages[0].content  # "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..."

A Message object holds the properties below:

Name Type Default Description
id str None Defined by Airmore server.
name str None How it is seen in your contacts or message header.
phone str None If the message has a header, phone will hold the header.
datetime datetime.datetime None
content str None
type MessageType MessageType.RECEIVED
was_read bool True
count int 1


MessageType is an Enum, under module. It defines if the message was received or sent, so it has two values: either RECEIVED or SENT.

Further Tip

You can also compare Message objects if they are equal, older or newer via comparison operators.

Fetching A Particular Chat

You can also fetch a particular chat that a Message is in. You can do this via fetch_chat_history. This method's signature is a bit different than fetch_message_history.

Signature: MessagingService::fetch_chat_history

Name Type Default Description
message_or_id Message or str -
start int 0 Where fetching will start from.
limit int 10 Where fetching will end.

You have to either pass a Message object or a str defining the ID of message.

start with default value 0 will fetch from the latest message in the chat history. If it was 1, the latest message would be excluded.

limit defines how many messages to fetch in total.


If it exceeds the total messages in a chat history, then whole history will be fetched.


fetch_chat_history and fetch_message_history will return a list of Message objects in a historically descending order.

Also, whatever Message object or id you provide to fetch_chat_history, you will always receive the whole chat history. start parameter will make the difference about where the history starts.

For example, let's get the Message object to a variable in the example above:

message = messages[0]

Now we might pass it to fetch_chat_history:

chat = service.fetch_chat_history(message)
chat  # a list of Message objects again
len(chat)  # 10
chat[0] == message  # True, assuming `message` is the latest message

Sending Message

send_message method will send a message to a phone number you provide.

Signature: MessagingService::send_message

Name Type Default Description
contact_or_phone str - contact will be provided in a future release.
content str -

To send a message:

service.send_message("123456", "foo bar baz")

This method will raise MessageRequestGSMError if sending fails and will always return None.